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Upcoming Interior Design Trends for 2017

It feels like only yesterday we were talking about the upcoming interior design trends for 2017. Now its time to check what’s coming in 2018 and we are in for quite a shakeup!

It’s exciting to see some unexpected interior design trends headed over as we move towards 2018. Some old favourites are back but with a twist.

Here are some of the top interior design trends in 2018 to look out for.

Design Trends for 2018
The natural look is back!
From the Latin verbage, terra (earth) cotta (cooked or baked), creates cosy and comforting warmth within a space. Very much like the colour red; the orange base is also said to motivate and stimulate the appetite. It is the perfect medium to use in restaurants and dining rooms for that very reason.

It’s crystal clear why Terracotta is trending again and why it has come back with such a strong presence. Its distinctive colour and warmth make it absolutely perfect for beautiful decorative pieces. Also, its flexibility means it’s available in many different forms and it is also quite affordable which always helps.

When it comes to interior design trends, minimal, white spaces loaded with plants still dominate our Pinterest feeds. But we’re beginning to see a lot of warmth enter those spaces through earthy tones and new lovely textures.

The Terracotta trend has been popular in Europe for the past few years since summer 2013. And it is hitting our shores and not just as purely a colour option, but also in its natural, unadorned form.

In fact, we are currently seeing it used in the design and construction  industries. For a variety of different products, such as small furniture pieces, homeware and accessories.

Even the previously very cost effective and practical flowerpots are making a comeback at the minute
Like the hugely popular materials of copper, brass and marble, Terracotta is here to stay.

Need help incorporating this look into your space? Find Twelo on Pinterest for more inspiration.

From what we’ve heard from various design sources and publications – Cork is making a big comeback!

Yes, cork!! It is being sold more and more online giving people easier access to cool stuff made from it.

Just like the board your daily notes are currently pinned too probably! Or as much as you love poppin’ the cork on wine bottles, it’s time to give it a second chance.

Cork has been making its way back since 2016, but will be even bigger in 2018! This means that you will start to see more cork board walls and decorations in the home and on sites like Twelo

Creating a cork feature wall helps create a great place to gather inspirational things together. Also, as demonstrated above, this idea works well as a big feature of a bedroom .

Looking rather beautiful set against crisp white walls or dark tiling, cork walls are very quirky, practical, and warm. Not only is cork a stylish material but it also adds a lot of warmthand texture to a room.

You should not be afraid to use it. As it also helps to absorb noise significantly and will make for a wonderful addition in any home.

Dark Green
I know what you’re thinking – but green was big in 2017?

The all-white look has been dominating 2017  in some ways and it is still trending. However, it is more than pleasant to pair the two interior design trends together. Greenery was Pantones colour of 2017, what will be the colour for 2018? Our guess is a darker green, but still something with a pastel green hue.

Its true that incorporating elements of dark green will compliment the white interior trend. Dark shades of green will become the new must-have dark interior colour in 2018! Watch this space!

This will be one of the colours to have in your home. And it will be wonderful for an accessory or recliner in the living room. You will see that homes and designers tend to move into greens.

From rich emeralds to soft dusky hues, green is one of our favourite interior design trends. A richer, warmer and bolder colour that seems to transcend all trends. Green will be sure to introduce a harmonious, luxurious and fresh vibe that works well in both modern and traditional spaces.

Go bold and create a big statement wall with deep green paint, styled with contrasting natural textures. Plants make a big effect to a stunning design like this. Greenery is also going to be huge in 2018.

Using vibrant jewel tones against muted colours focuses your eyes on soft and sophisticated neutrals, enlarging and warming the space. Or showcase lighter and brighter green hues with style subtle green accents. Green again, the Pantone colour of 2017!!  See this amazing Interior Design Ideas for 2017 guide for more info on Greenery.

Jewel Tones
As always, certain colours can come and go within the interior world.

Jewel tones have overtaken pastel shades in popularity in recent times. And they are inspired by metals, space, stars, clouds and the cosmos.

There’s no doubt that the UK is having a major “jewel tone” moment right now. This new look for décor is going to be huge in 2018 and you can get your share of it at

Jewel tones have always been associated with high society and ultra prestige. We see these colours in very intricate rugs and wallpapers of years gone by. However, they’re not limited to the rich and famous anymore.

Update your house in jewel tones, impress the neighbours!!

Combining vintage and modern has been a key trend in home design for years. It also shows no sign of slowing in 2018, if anything it is getting more prevalent. However, one major difference is the popularity of introducing raw materials to produce the classic look mixed with vintage.

The whole vintage interior design theme has a magical quality of making the whole room appear nostalgic.  A piece of good quality vintage furniture, even a small item can totally ransform your living room, home office or kitchen.

Interior design trends like vintage are a big thing with the wealthy , but it is more than applicable for more modest budgets.  With filament lamps often seen decorating cafes and restaurants and industrial-style pendants being very popular in the home.

The tonal effects of the actual over photos make the perfect backdrop for those who want to create a stylish, inviting vibe in their home. It’s ideal for homeowners who want to create a vintage appear that reflects the quirkier elements of their own personality.
Give the interior design trends a modern edge and create a feature wall by placing an assortment of vintage clocks or different sized mirrors, bringing your wall to life.
Which interior design trends are you excited for? Tell us in the comments below.


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